Antonio Carreno: Quasar + Debra Franses Bean: Artbags

March 28 - May 02, 2015
Opening: Reception 04/17/2015 6-8 pm

About exhibition

We are delighted to present compelling new work by Antonio Carreno.  His newest paintings are inspired by a Quasar, an extremely distant and bright celestial object that emits an immense amount of energy in the form of light.  Carreno's new body of work features crisp-white, pure backgrounds that depict the purity and dynamism of this extragalactic object. 
Debra Franses Bean's Artbags are scintillating, and as a new artist on our roster, we could not be more thrilled to indulge in her cool resin sculptures. 

Available works at 
Madelyn Jordon Fine Art