I Am What I Am Not Yet: A Survey of Brooklyn's Moment

June 25 - August 21, 2015
Opening: 06/21/2015

About exhibition

I am What I am Not Yet, A Survey of Brooklyn's Moment

Curated by: Diana Buckley

Artists: Nichole van Beek, Christian Berman, Erik den Breejen, Deborah Brown, Maria Louisa Calandra, Jaqueline Cedar, Austin Eddy, Charlotte Evans, Matthew F. Fisher, Xiao Fu, Charlotte Hallberg, Steven Hirsch, Benjamin King, Osamu Kobayashi, Lauren Luloff, Katherine Newbegin, Gary   Petersen, Sarah Peters, Willie Wayne Smith, Letha Wilson, Birgit Wolfram, and Sun You  

Big things are happening in 2015. In Brooklyn, things are changing fast, and artist Meccas are being created. This rapid change spurs creativity and innovation, and in a few short years, Brooklyn has become a global brand. The eyes of the entire world are following Brooklyn to determine what happens next.  

On June 25, 2015, Brooklyn comes to Westchester. 22 re-defining, Brooklyn artists, representing a sampling of the Brooklyn vanguard, will be exhibiting their newest work at Madelyn Jordon Fine Art in Scarsdale.  If you've been reading about all the dynamism taking place in this borough, this is your opportunity to get a firsthand experience of Brooklyn's pulse. 

The exhibit title, I am What I am Not Yet, is inspired by a quote of the late philosopher of aesthetics, Maxine Greene.  Greene believed that artworks we encounter are “situated encounters”, meaning, an audience of a given artwork apprehends that work in the light of their backgrounds, biographies, and experiences.  In I am What I am Not Yet, 22 Brooklyn based artists have each experienced Brooklyn through their own unique lens and try to relate their own “situated encounters” in a way that, in aggregate, conveys a multi-faceted interpretation of Brooklyn.

Available works at 
Madelyn Jordon Fine Art

Gallery Installs