'THE BIRDS AND THE BEES' including works by Ross Bleckner,Carole Bolsey,Deborah Buck,Diane Cherr,Ruth Epstein,Wolf Kahn,Lawrence Kelsey,Joy Moser,Lucie Gould Reitzfeld,Hunt Slonem, Donald Sultan,Linda Touby

June 28 - August 26, 2006
Opening: Wed,July 12, 2006 6-8PM

Available works at 
Madelyn Jordon Fine Art

Gallery Installs

About exhibition

For Immediate Release

Madelyn Jordon Fine Art is pleased to present a group exhibition entitled “The Birds and the Bees”. The exhibition highlights the joys of nature as interpreted by 12 contemporary artists. Nature has been a source of artistic inspiration since the beginning of time; however, each artist brings his or her unique vision and personal history to bear on the subject. Thus, Joy Moser’s mysterious treed landscapes contrast with Wolf Kahn"s idyllic scenes of summer; Ross Bleckner’s falling birds oppose Lucy Gould Reitzfeld’s pastel bouquets; Donald Sultan’s oversized closeup of a Monarch butterfly counters Hunt Slonem’s fluttering swarm of insects. Harvard University professor Carole Bolsey’s animated coastal scene, “Waterfields” opposes Diane Cherr’s playful “tree”. Our senses are roused with new appreciation.
The exhibition shall be on view through August 26, 2006. For further information, please contact Madelyn Jordon at 914-723-8738 or mrjart@aol.com.

Tues-Sat 10-5:30PM.